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Starting to Panic

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I applied to 11 PA schools. So far, I've been rejected by 3, wait-listed by 3, and haven't heard from the others (but people have already been accepted by them). What do I do?  I thought I was pretty competitive:

-Bachelors and Masters degrees in Nutrition, with a thesis pending publication

-Currently work as a registered dietitian in a hospital setting (2500+ PCE's)

-3.68  sGPA, 3.7 overall GPA

-3 solid letters of rec from two professors and one MD I work closely with

-GRE: 151 verbal, 146 quant, 4.5 writing

-35 hours directly shadowing PAs, I also work with them every day


Other than my low math score on the GRE, I'm not sure what the deal is....any feedback would be welcomed


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Could be your personal statement, could be your interview skills, could be the quant GRE, could be some program-specific requirement where you don’t quite match up. Are those GPAs excluding your masters? I’ve heard some places won’t factor in graduate coursework in their calculations.

The only thing you can really “do” right now is examine the way you interview. Everything else would just be improving your application for next cycle.

To be quite honest though, I wouldn’t be surprised if you told us next week that you got in off a waitlist or were accepted right out at the next place you interview. You’ve got pretty good stats. Best of luck.

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1 hour ago, kidpresentable said:

Could be your personal statement, could be your interview skills, could be the quant GRE, could be some program-specific requirement where you don’t quite match up. Are those GPAs excluding your masters? I’ve heard some places won’t factor in graduate coursework in their calculations.

The only thing you can really “do” right now is examine the way you interview. Everything else would just be improving your application for next cycle.

To be quite honest though, I wouldn’t be surprised if you told us next week that you got in off a waitlist or were accepted right out at the next place you interview. You’ve got pretty good stats. Best of luck.

Thanks...I didn't even get interviews though, I was waitlisted to interview. 


My CASPA GPA includes my Masters degree since it was mostly all science courses. Thanks so much for your input, I appreciate it!

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Your stats look great! It could be the GRE score or something like the personal statement that goes to all schools! Did you apply to particularly difficult programs? That could also be it! Overall, I think you are a great candidate and your time will come. Perhaps, schools will reach out to you later this month (it's not too late!) If I were you, I would start sharpening your interview skills so when the time comes, you are ready to kill the interview! I know it is so stressful but try and stay positive. It only takes one acceptance to be a PA.

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Your stats look exceptional. I think you having your MS/RD should really set you apart from other candidates. I would say start prepping for interviews so you’re ready. If you don’t get in this cycle, which I would be surprised, I would have people read over your personal statement and make sure you’re applying strategically to schools you are well matched to.

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