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School start date a week before I receive my diploma

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Hi! I'm a rising senior in undergrad applying this cycle. I will graduate May 16th, but some programs start May 11th that I am applying to. My undergrad will accommodate my finals schedule so I could be at class during the start week of the programs. However, will programs still accept me if I technically have not completed my diploma by the time of enrollment?

16 hours ago, redhawk16 said:

Hi! I'm a rising senior in undergrad applying this cycle. I will graduate May 16th, but some programs start May 11th that I am applying to. My undergrad will accommodate my finals schedule so I could be at class during the start week of the programs. However, will programs still accept me if I technically have not completed my diploma by the time of enrollment?

You need to have your degree granted prior to starting. On CASPA, you need your transcript verified and it will also say whether a degree was awarded and they verify that. As far as I know, pa programs require a bachelors degree and if you haven't graduated then you technically haven't met that requirement which could automatically reject you from programs. In addition, you know you'll graduate but the programs can't guarantee that so it wouldn't make sense for them to accept a student with a "possible" degree vs a student that has a degree, make sense? Regardless, I would call each program and verify this because you don't want to waste time and money just get automatically reject due to a degree that hasn't been awarded. Best of luck! 

I suspect that, if you complete your requirements for a degree prior to the start of your PA program, and someone official at your undergrad school can attest to your final grades and that you will be awarded the degree on such and such date, you’ll be able to make this happen.

As is stated above, each PA program is it’s final authority.

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11 hours ago, rfo1234 said:

You need to have your degree granted prior to starting. On CASPA, you need your transcript verified and it will also say whether a degree was awarded and they verify that. As far as I know, pa programs require a bachelors degree and if you haven't graduated then you technically haven't met that requirement which could automatically reject you from programs. In addition, you know you'll graduate but the programs can't guarantee that so it wouldn't make sense for them to accept a student with a "possible" degree vs a student that has a degree, make sense? Regardless, I would call each program and verify this because you don't want to waste time and money just get automatically reject due to a degree that hasn't been awarded. Best of luck! 

Programs do accept students with degrees pending - if you don't get it, you don't get to go to PA school.  A very slight risk on the program but if you're good enough to be accepted, you likely won't be someone in danger of not finishing undergrad.  The caveat, and the predicament the OP is in, is that the degree won't officially be awarded prior to matriculation.  


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