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Prerequisite GPA factoring retakes CONFUSED!!!

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Hi to whom anyone that will help me!!!

It's to my understanding most schools have a minimum prerequisite GPA of 3.0 as well as saying grades with a B-/C/C- will not be accepted for prerequisite courses. My question is if say I received a C in medical terminology and then retook the course to get an A how would that factor into the prerequisite GPA requirement for that institution? Would both grades be averaged into say a (B) or would they take the higher of the two grades to meet that requirement and the GPA?

Also for 8 semester hour courses for example A&P I/II if i received an (A) in A&P I but a C in A&P II for that requirement would they take my A&P I but not my A&P II if the institution required only grades above a C to count? Or would they average the two courses together into one entity to satisfy the requirement?

Any help with this slightly convoluted question would help me immensely and I would greatly appreciate it!!!

Thank you so much!

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1. Most schools take the higher grade for a prerequisite. Check with the school. However, your first grade for that class would still show up on your transcript, and CASPA will calculate it into your GPA

2. If the school requires a B and above in prerequisites, your A&P II will not count and would have to be retaken 

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29 minutes ago, Potatolife said:

1. Most schools take the higher grade for a prerequisite. Check with the school. However, your first grade for that class would still show up on your transcript, and CASPA will calculate it into your GPA

2. If the school requires a B and above in prerequisites, your A&P II will not count and would have to be retaken 

Okay great so basically it's up to the school I'm applying to but both scenarios are possible correct?

Also, this may sound dumb but I know most schools only require Organic Chem I (4 semester hours) but not Organic Chem II. If I have grades for both (OCHEM 1 = B & OCHEM 2 = C) and the only prereq is for 1 will they attempt to average both courses together for that prereq or just take my first OCHEM 1 semester course and not the other which should allow me to meet their minimum B- requirement?


Thank you for all your help!

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31 minutes ago, Bearcat2310 said:

Also, this may sound dumb but I know most schools only require Organic Chem I (4 semester hours)

If the school only requires OChem I, then only apply your grade for that specific class. You can assign pre-requisite grades in each school's CASPA app. They should NOT average the grades in that case (different than if OChem I/II were required). 

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1 minute ago, Cadapter said:

If the school only requires OChem I, then only apply your grade for that specific class. You can assign pre-requisite grades in each school's CASPA app. They should NOT average the grades in that case (different than if OChem I/II were required). 

Okay great! So in that case if I have done a retake for a specific class I should assign the higher of the two grades in the prerequisite grade column right? Or like you said initially just check with the school ahead of time just to be sure considering each school is different.

Thank you so much for your help! 

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