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Reapplicants, get in here!

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Reapplicants, I have two questions! I remember a person from CASPA (without me even asking) saying that I cannot use the same personal statement or else it would flag for plagiarism against my own PS from the previous year. I was like wtf..? The reason being is because I spoke to someone who gained an acceptance this year, and she submitted the same PS as the year previous. Now, I'm confused. You have someone who works a 9-5 and sounds like they are the same age as me on the phone who may or may not know the rules tell me that I cannot do so, but then you have a student who actually submitted it through the portal, and it was fine. Anyone know the real deal?

Also I wanted to know in general, is it frowned upon or looked at as "not broad enough" if all your PCE is mission trips in the same country? I guess versus getting a paid job in the US. I did my first one out of high school in the Caribbean where my family is from. And I've done it the past 5 summers while in college. I know some schools look for 1000 paid hours but I don't have any. I've just focused myself on raising my GPA and getting PCE hours through volunteer work. Please let me know. Thanks you guys!

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Can anyone give me tips for reapplying this year? So I can use the same personal statement and basically just enter in the same info I did before but add any new experiences, new transcript and new GRE scores? Can I have my letter of recommendations send the same letters in also? I'm doing an exercise internship this summer so won't get more patient contact hours until the fall....do you guys think it's fine to send in my app this summer and then update my patient contact info in the fall? Basically the only reason I got denied from PA school last cycle was because my GRE math section was two low...had two interviews and waitlisted at both! Am nervous to reapply this second time though

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On 5/8/2019 at 12:01 AM, Hana339 said:

Reapplicants, I have two questions! I remember a person from CASPA (without me even asking) saying that I cannot use the same personal statement or else it would flag for plagiarism against my own PS from the previous year. I was like wtf..? The reason being is because I spoke to someone who gained an acceptance this year, and she submitted the same PS as the year previous. Now, I'm confused. You have someone who works a 9-5 and sounds like they are the same age as me on the phone who may or may not know the rules tell me that I cannot do so, but then you have a student who actually submitted it through the portal, and it was fine. Anyone know the real deal?

Also I wanted to know in general, is it frowned upon or looked at as "not broad enough" if all your PCE is mission trips in the same country? I guess versus getting a paid job in the US. I did my first one out of high school in the Caribbean where my family is from. And I've done it the past 5 summers while in college. I know some schools look for 1000 paid hours but I don't have any. I've just focused myself on raising my GPA and getting PCE hours through volunteer work. Please let me know. Thanks you guys!

My thought here is not so much the “flagging” as I’m fairly certain CASPA not programs have time to run your essay through a plagiarism checker, but more how it looks. If you are reapplying keep in mind that most programs will have access or may have a record of your application from last year, especially if you interviewed. If you then turn around and submit the exact same essay this year that looks pretty darn lazy in my opinion. In theory that also means that nothing at all changed over the past year, or you learnt nothing from the process last time around. 

I guess what I mean to say in short is even the most polished PS should have some room for tweaking for resubmission.

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On 5/8/2019 at 2:01 AM, Hana339 said:

 I remember a person from CASPA (without me even asking) saying that I cannot use the same personal statement or else it would flag for plagiarism against my own PS from the previous year. I was like wtf..? The reason being is because I spoke to someone who gained an acceptance this year, and she submitted the same PS as the year previous.

Although not changing it at all if you are applying to the same programs is definitely frowned upon (at the very least, they'd like to you address how you have improved your app since last go around) CASPA does not flag PS for plagiarism. The only person I ever heard of who got accused of plagiarism on the CASPA statement literally copy/pasted the PAEA website description of what PAs do and thought nobody would notice for some dumb reason. The PharmCAS app DOES run all the PS through a plagiarism detector though and they are run by the same folks so maybe the rep you talked to got confused...

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