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Working Interview - Malpractice

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Hi All!

I have a question on how malpractice works.

For background: I have been doing a working interview for the past 3 days. I was originally supposed to just shadow but I ended up seeing patients. It is a 2 NP and 1 MD internal medicine practice. The NP who I am replacing likes me so she encouraged me to see patients with her and write notes so he can see my abilities and lead to an offer. So I "saw" patients with her. She signed the notes but my name is in the notes like you would a student. We had malpractice insurance in PA school but I did not have anything to cover me during this interview. Have I made a grave mistake? She says the doctor cosigns all of the NPs notes.


Another question I have: I did a working interview for 3 days. They have another working interview with someone else tomorrow. He requested I continue my working interview next week... He says he will pay me and cover my malpractice during that time.... I feel like this is way too long of an interview but am I being impatient? I am a new graduate and I currently am jobless. So I could just do the interview, take the money, and cut my losses if he goes with someone else. But then the con is, I won't have time to apply elsewhere. Can I just get your opinions on this? I feel like this is strange and I am rather frustrated at the situation.

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Sure seems odd.  After 3 days they should very much know whether they want to offer you or not.  Most places make that decision based on an interview and contacting references.  A couple of things to think of: 1. you don't have a supervisory agreement and you're not a student any more.  I presume you're now licensed.  So, you can't work without whatever supervisory agreement that state requires.  2. How will he "cover" your malpractice - you have to be specifically listed on the policy.

My recommendation: ask the office to make a decision based on what they've seen of you so far.

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That’s my biggest concern! I didn’t think it through since I was originally to shadow. Is there anything I can do for the past 3 days? I can’t believe I was so stupid. He has never had a PA before so I should have been more cautious. I obviously will not be continuing this. But is there a way I can fix what I have already done? 

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Probably unlikely that a lawsuit would come of those few days but you have put yourself at significant risk by participating in patient care in that manner. I have not encountered this before but you might think about speaking with a malpractice insurance company about retroactive coverage of some sort. Best of luck.

I have done a shadowing day during an interview process, but I don't do anything with the patients other than introduce myself as the person who is job shadowing the PA and that I am just there to observe and I specifically tell them that I will be playing no role in their care for their visit. Then I shut up and watch. I dont even so much as touch the patient, tie their loose gown strap, listen to an interesting murmur that the PA heard etc. 

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1 hour ago, WetBehindTheEarsPA said:

That’s my biggest concern! I didn’t think it through since I was originally to shadow. Is there anything I can do for the past 3 days? I can’t believe I was so stupid. He has never had a PA before so I should have been more cautious. I obviously will not be continuing this. But is there a way I can fix what I have already done? 

You shouldn't worry about it. Just move on and instead spend your time finding a great job.

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