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Should I be a PA if I'm only interested in Psychiatry?

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I was set on being a PA for selfish reasons because I saw that it had a great job outlook and salary and that they had a decent work life balance. Although I only had an interest in Psych. I majored in Psychology so now I am taking the prereqs necessary for PA programs, but I'm slowly getting burned out.

I also developed a health condition after the first semester of prereqs and now I don't even know if I can push myself to get the PCE hours and finish the rest of the prereqs. I thought I could do it because I do have an interest in learning about the different body systems, but it seems I don't really have a passion for it and now I'm scared that I've wasted all this time completing prerequisites just to back out.

I've been thinking about alternate careers now like School Psychologist, but I'm scared of backing out after spending so much money on prereqs, but I'm just getting so tired of it. I guess I just need some advice as to what I should do next or if I should continue..:(

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I was set on being a PA for selfish reasons because I saw that it had a great job outlook and salary and that they had a decent work life balance. Although I only had an interest in Psych. I majored in Psychology so now I am taking the prereqs necessary for PA programs, but I'm slowly getting burned out.

I also developed a health condition after the first semester of prereqs and now I don't even know if I can push myself to get the PCE hours and finish the rest of the prereqs. I thought I could do it because I do have an interest in learning about the different body systems, but it seems I don't really have a passion for it and now I'm scared that I've wasted all this time completing prerequisites just to back out.

I've been thinking about alternate careers now like School Psychologist, but I'm scared of backing out after spending so much money on prereqs, but I'm just getting so tired of it. I guess I just need some advice as to what I should do next or if I should continue..:(

Pause and regroup.

Consider spending some time with a psych PA, a school psychologist, or any of the alternate choices you are considering. Don’t blindly go after a goal that might no longer fit your needs. The money already spent, in the end, is small potatoes compared to living the wrong life for you.

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It's just prereqs...take a breather.  It is not like you are in PA school or part of a specialist level psychology program.  Also if you are getting burnt out before school and losing the drive, likely not going to make it in school.  Just being real with you.  Consider it a blessing to know your feelings now rather than later, where the financial debt is far more significant.

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Definitely agree with the above posts. I wish I had someone tell me to stop going to school if I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I spent a lot of money and did sub-par in classes. Especially if you are younger, take some time to really decide what you like and you'll be very happy that you did in the future! Don't get down on yourself!

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