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I round as a cardiology PA in LTACs. They usually have a pulm/critical care service rounding as well (along with hospitals, surgeons, ID, and nephrology.)

A fair number of patients have trachs and there are, of course, respiratory techs on staff who manage the day-to-day. It sounds like the position they are advertising is like our pulm/critical care staff, who supervise what the RTs are doing. Could be an interesting job.

The LTACs themselves have quite a mix of patients and fill the gap between acute care and going to an ECF or a rehab site. Often if is for patients where things went a little off kilter in acute care; some can be quite complex.

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  • 8 months later...
15 hours ago, druglife said:

Hey Mike, just wanted to follow up to see if you pursued this opportunity? I am currently staffing as a pharmacist in an LTACH while in PA school. The providers (at least the consultants) seem really happy with the work here.

Hey there-

I actually got picked up FT with the pulm/crit group I was per diem with so I never ended up pursuing it. 

Good luck!

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