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Volunteer Hours Question

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Hi everyone,


Just a quick question, i'm reporting my CASPA hospital volunteer hours from the UCLA medical center and they also award hours for donating platelets (80 hours worth per ~2hour platelet donation period). Should I be counting these hours too? On my official printout sheet, it lists "blood platelet donation 80 hours" next to it. Thanks for any input!

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  • Administrator

Wait, what? They give you 80 hours worth of volunteer credit for 2 actual hours of donating platelets? I am guessing this is for some sort of internal rewards system, weighting volunteer hours actually spent donating vital (yet regenerable) body parts higher than, say, giving directions at the information desk.


I would be very careful about listing that as anything other than the hours actually spent. In fact, I would recommend you NOT list the "bonus" hours (assuming I'm reading the situation correctly), but rather list the actual hours and describe what you did, to include platelet donation.

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