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Frequent Flers in American Medicine

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Seems a bit arbitrary, picking "seven" visits vs an icd 10 or cpt code.  However, this topic kind of came up on "doctors radio" on Sirius that I listen to, where someone was bemoaning the fact they couldn't get into a specialist in South Florida "for months", no doubt related to the need to crank primary throughput to minutes, which means no time to really evaluate, which means simpler problems that primary care could probably have done would now be shunted to the specialist, which means that there is now longer waiting times.

Overall, since there is little self responsibility, people run to the ED for minor things that mom should have told you about.  Perhaps fear of dying drives them too, with our decreasing reliance on spiritual (not necessarily religious) views.

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I guess you had to pick a number to be a break point for statistical purposes so 7 was it. Arbitrary.

I really thought the article would be much much longer because it is such a complicated multifaceted issue. One thing that isn't helping? The "customer" instead of patient. Pretty much everyone has learned, especially the bad actors, that if they raise enough hell they can get almost anything they want.

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