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Averaging re-takes of pre-requisites

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Do all schools average pre-req re-takes when evaluating your final grade in a course, or will they accept the highest grade earned? For example, if a school has a stated minimum grade of C, and the course was taken initially with a D then repeated with a C, is that acceptable? I have noticed that some schools state that the grades would be averaged, but some do not address the issue, specifically only that a grade of C is required. I just want to make sure I am not wasting my time applying when there is an unwritten policy regarding this. I am particularly interested in Lincoln Memorial University,  but if anyone has any insight on this, I would appreciate hearing from you.


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As far as gpa goes, the response above is correct in that schools won't replace retake grades when calculating gpa. However, if (for example) a schools minimum grade for their prereqs is a C, and you took physiology and got a D, if you retake physiology and get a C or greater, you would be able to use the retake to 'replace' the previous grades just in terms of being able to apply to the school. Does that make sense?

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5 hours ago, paPassion7 said:

As far as gpa goes, the response above is correct in that schools won't replace retake grades when calculating gpa. However, if (for example) a schools minimum grade for their prereqs is a C, and you took physiology and got a D, if you retake physiology and get a C or greater, you would be able to use the retake to 'replace' the previous grades just in terms of being able to apply to the school. Does that make sense?

Yes, that makes sense. This is the exact information I am looking for. Thank you so much for your response. 

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1 hour ago, UGoLong said:

Probably a function of the school. From a practical standpoint, getting a D as a first attempt in a prereq could be a dealbreaker unless you are incredible as an applicant.

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I certainly hope that it is not a dealbreaker. Sixteen years as an RN, 309 GRE, MBA. I was taking pre-reqs while working full-time nightshift in the ED. I also had a small child at that time. 

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