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Job advice

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So I need some advice. Interviewed for a job about 1 year ago. Basically my dream job and was going to accept as I was unhappy with my current situation. The md backed out and decided not hire another pa at the time. He already had one and looked at his finances and decided not to pull the trigger. Interviewed for other jobs, found another one that fit my criteria but not my dream job and verbally accepted it. And have been going through mulitple hospital credentialling over the past several months. The first guy contacted me recently as he sold his practice to a large hospital system and wants me to come work for him. Interviewed with admin and they offered everything I asked for. Now I am stuck, can I still back out of the job already accepted for a job I would like better? Or would it be a bad idea

Thanks for any input

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Yes you can


Yes it might


I think you have to live at home.... if the bad feelings would be worth getting your dream job and they gave you everything you asked for...go for it. Life is short.

Expanding on the thought...it is all in the delivery. If you explain to the folks currently credentialing you and explain the circumstances and are sufficiently apologetic and humble they will be unhappy but at least it won't be a big SEE YA and then the mic drop. It is making the best of an uncomfortable and unpleasant situation.

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Probably will burn that bridge. Agree to be honest and explain the history to give yourself a better shot if not being blacklisted. But what is worth passing up a dream job? Although since he sold the practice just make sure it is still the dream it was last year. And make sure you have a contractual out with the current job


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