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Shadowing a PA

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Hi Guys,

     I will be shadowing an ER PA next month.  I will be shadowing the PA for 2-3 days for a 12 hour shift. Would anybody be able to describe how their shadowing experience was?  Did you ask questions, take notes or help out? Did that PA write a LOR for you ? Did you keep in touch with the PA?  Should you shadow PA’s closer to the cycle you are applying in so that they can write a LOR for you? 

                                 I would appreciate any and all feedback. 



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I shadowed an ortho PA. Spent most of our time in the operating room. I asked questions when I had them, but it was a teaching hospital as well so both the PA I shadowed and the attending were very educational and willing to give me the best experience. I didn’t take notes. Just don’t be on your phone or doing anything else that makes it look like you’d want to be elsewhere. I wouldn’t ask for a letter until after your shadow experience is over as well. 

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I shadowed an internal medicine PA for about 40 hours. I took down some notes so that I could use them for writing about my experience in CASPA.

I was able to ask questions with what little time we had between patients and on lunch. I pretty much just observed and didn’t talk to patients unless they talked to me. You kind of feel like a burden at first, but once you get a feel for the person you are shadowing it gets better. 

I would ask for a LOR when you complete all of your shadowing. The worst they can do is say no.

I didn’t really keep in contact. However, I did email him when I got accepted into my program, thanking him again for the LOR and experience. He said congrats and to email him if I needed a preceptor for a rotation and that he would love to have me. Great way to make some connections! 

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