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This will be my second time applying here. I applied my first year of applying to schools, did not apply last year, and decided to apply this year. 

CASPA, supplemental APP, and $35 fee all submitted today (6/28/18)

Really hoping for the best this year! Good luck all!

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12 hours ago, jennieh said:

was offered the 9/7 interview, and I can't do that day. Anyone knows whether they have other interview dates as well? Thanks ?

I would just email back asking if it's possible to interview on another day due to previous obligations. I received an interview invite for the 8th. ? 

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Hey everyone, I emailed professor Tipton about the interview format. This was her reply if anyone is still confused:

"Not full MMI but there are group and individual sessions with faculty and students."

I'm glad it isn't straight MMI! It's also great that they will be assessing us in various environments vs focusing on JUST group or individual settings. Good luck everyone  ? 

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On ‎8‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 11:39 AM, oliviapa said:

Hey everyone, I emailed professor Tipton about the interview format. This was her reply if anyone is still confused:

"Not full MMI but there are group and individual sessions with faculty and students."

I'm glad it isn't straight MMI! It's also great that they will be assessing us in various environments vs focusing on JUST group or individual settings. Good luck everyone  ? 

You are such a sweetheart. Thank you. 

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On 8/28/2018 at 2:39 PM, oliviapa said:

Hey everyone, I emailed professor Tipton about the interview format. This was her reply if anyone is still confused:

"Not full MMI but there are group and individual sessions with faculty and students."

I'm glad it isn't straight MMI! It's also great that they will be assessing us in various environments vs focusing on JUST group or individual settings. Good luck everyone  ? 

Thank you so much for asking her to elaborate, @oliviapa! I wish we knew more about what these group sessions were going to be like, and how many there will be. I just want to know how best to prepare! I'm interviewing on the 8th at 8am. Anybody else in that slot? 

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I know the response wasn't too detailed.... I gather she said "not full MMI" because there won't be such a rigid format (2 minutes to read a prompt on the door, 8 minutes to answer it, then move on to the next station). I bet there might be MMI type scenarios/questions thrown into a more traditional interview type session but again, this is all just speculation! Good luck everyone! I'm nervous too haha 

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