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Hi there,


I have a Bachelors already but due to low gpa iam thinking of getting into LVN program to raise my gpa. I have almost 1000 hours of direct patient care as a Nurse Aide. I was thinking of BSN but it's too expensive and competitive plus my long term goal is to be a PA . Does anyone know if my course work in lieu of LVN would be accepted towards raising my gpa? any advice is appreciated :) .

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Hi there,


I have a Bachelors already but due to low gpa iam thinking of getting into LVN program to raise my gpa. I have almost 1000 hours of direct patient care as a Nurse Aide. I was thinking of BSN but it's too expensive and competitive plus my long term goal is to be a PA . Does anyone know if my course work in lieu of LVN would be accepted towards raising my gpa? any advice is appreciated :) .

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