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Most embarassing moment with your SP

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It's not just gross, it could be actionable sexual harassment--even if he didn't mean it, even if he's never behaved inappropriately directly towards the employee--based on hostile work environment. At the very least, I would expect a stink were evidence of such workplace conduct brought to the medical board's attention.


I wish I had printed it out. there were a LOT of very questionable things in that office and I am glad to be out of there!

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I'm in my first year of practice...


Just to clarify: that was 10 years ago. I was puzzled why the 2nd responder seemed to think it was recently, until it dawned on me that in the course of "setting the stage" for the story I didn't clarify how long ago that was. I just need to make that clear as written evidence in case my wife stumbles on this! Our couches are comfortable, but not THAT comfortable...:saddd:

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I admitted my SP for an SBO, including inserting the ngt.


The call from the ED started off w/ the normal to the point history, and ended with " and his name is ******* ". My reply "as in, our *******?" I head on down to the ER, do the H&P, complete the admit paperwork (this was before we went to EMR), and then call the covering surgeon - the above story is repeated, with the exact same reply.


Easiest H&P I've ever done, as well as easiest ngt. He probably would have done both by himself, if I would have let him.

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You know, I can't believe I didn't think of this before, but my SP has done both of my colonoscopies thus far. I guess I just didn't find it embarrassing! My FHx meets the Amsterdam criteria for the Lynch syndrome, and I get them fairly frequently.


The first time, I taped by cheeks together ahead of time, after writing "sealed for freshness" on the tape.


The second time I was lame and just drew a bull's eye on the little butt-window of the disposable shorts we give you.


Gonna have to think of something new for next June!

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Guest TerryF

With this incident at first I was embarassed; then I became very angry.


I was in the navy stationed on the island of Guam. We saw a bunch of kids with otitis media. Two of us PAs used the usual Rx regiment, and about a third of the time it did not work. I started referring those kids to ENT. This went on about seven months. Then one day the ENT doc called me and cussed me out, asking why didn't I treat those kids a certain way and stop sending them to him. He really lit into me.


I took it for a few minutes. Then I stood my ground and simply asked him why didn't he call me six or seven months earlier.


Unfortunately, some docs think they made the world and everbody needs to bow down to them.


The good thing is that our conversation completely stopped the referrals of those kids to ENT. His Rx worked.


PS...now that I look back at the incident, I should have talked to him earlier. He wasn't really approachable, but it might have saved us both a lot of time.


Communication is so important. Sometimes PAs have to be pushy and use their power to get things done.



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So it was my first rotation in PA school and it was in primary care. My preceptor and I went into the room to talk to a 40ish year old male for his physical. We had been talking for quite some time, but had to leave the room momentarily. We were joking with the patient about how my finger is smaller than my preceptor's finger (I'm a female, my preceptor - male); and that the rectal exam wouldn't be so uncomfortable if it were me doing it. (I suppose that was inappropriate...)


Anyways, we come back in the room to proceed with the exam and the patient is standing there, BUTT NAKED, with his hands on his hips... I was trying not to make that astonished face...and trying not to stare at the fact that he was lacking in certain departments. He climbs on the table on all fours and says "is this what I need to do for the prostate exam?" He was a very "earthy" type of guy who was "one with nature" so he seemed VERY comfortable in his state of nudity

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Well not a PA yet and actually a PCT friend of mine told me this story but it's pretty damn funny so here goes.


PCT (my friend) is asked to take a blood glucose on an older patient in ICU. PCT walks in and the lights are dim, and all of the pt's family are sitting around sobbing. No one says anything to my friend. So he scans the pt's arm and gets ready to do the finger prick. Tries on one finger, no blood. Next finger, no blood. Third finger, no blood. He quietly leaves the room and tells the nurse he can't get any blood. Turns out the pt was dead!


I've seen my fair share of funny and odd things working in psych as a PCT. Was with a nurse in one of the exam rooms for a patient. Upon admission we do height, weight and then a full skin assessment for any rashes or contraband. We walk the pt in and I say, "okay sir, first we are going to get your height and weight, then we'll need to do a skin assessment." Before even finishing the sentence the patient dropped his pants (he was going commando) and rips his shirt off. Some people are just eager to get started I guess.


Another time in psych, gave the had to do a urine screen. Gave the pt the biohazard bag with the cup in it. Gave him the instructions, "fill up this cup, seal it tightly, and place the cup in the bag, then come out and hand the bag to me." When the pt comes out of the bathroom, the bag is full of pee and the cup is nowhere to be found.


Once we had a bipolar lady in her late 20s come in during a very manic phase. Physically she was a total knockout, she actually worked as a personal trainer. But crazy as a bat. Well I was conversing with her for some time and she would lay on the floor, come sit with me, run around, etc. Finally she gets up and runs to her room. Somehow she had managed to sneak in some rasberries (don't ask me how I didn't do her admit) and put them in her room. She runs to her room and me and a nurse go down there to get her (can't leave someone in that state unattended to). She threatens and then proceeds to throw the rasberries at us. Another PCT and RN come down but basically she is refusing to talk to them, but is still willing to reason me. So I manage to get her out and back into the day room, but before long she takes off in a mad sprint again. I take off after her but this time she strips butt naked and screams "I'M HAVING A BABY!!!". Calmly I turn around and say, "well nothing I can do about that."


One last one. Had a bipolar pt, 15 year old girl. He dad was a huge enthusiast of vitamins and natural cures. He starts telling me how he may have her d/c'd because he thinks she is getting worse without her zinc. Stating she probably just needed her multivitamin and mineral. Unless that mineral had some lithium in it don't think there was much he could do for her.

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how about most embarrassing moment to date as a PA?


About 2 weeks ago i was sewing up a young chap who cut open his leg... 2 layer closure. His BEAUTIFUL sister is standing beside me watching; so quiet in the room you can hear the walls sighing.


I turned to grab something off my tray....and before I could stop it, before I EVEN KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING, I farted.


Just a little one, almost like a child fart.








What do you do when that happens? WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN?? I MEAN, HONESTLY?


I totally played it off. Said something about my shoe squeaking and how I need to get a new pair, and kept on trucking. Never even missed a beat.



I know they laughed their asses off all the way home at my expense; glad I could humor them.





You just made me laugh! I can't imagine what I would do in that situation!!

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  • Moderator
You know, I can't believe I didn't think of this before, but my SP has done both of my colonoscopies thus far. I guess I just didn't find it embarrassing! My FHx meets the Amsterdam criteria for the Lynch syndrome, and I get them fairly frequently.


The first time, I taped by cheeks together ahead of time, after writing "sealed for freshness" on the tape.


The second time I was lame and just drew a bull's eye on the little butt-window of the disposable shorts we give you.


Gonna have to think of something new for next June!



wow - that is gonna make me laugh the better part of a day

nice to see a fella completely at comfort with his medical side....

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