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Prerequisite Match on CASPA

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Hi -


I took two courses at my university and got grades I wasn't happy with. Because I didn't fail them, I wasn't able to retake them at my university, but instead retook them at a community college nearby. I ended up getting better grades in both. 


When picking my courses that fulfill the prerequisites required by the school, should I pick the course with the higher grade but taken at the community college? Or should I choose the lower grades taken at my university? I'm having a hard time deciding what would look better




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If you're talking about the program materials section when selecting pre-requs that fulfill requirements, I would select both courses that count and all other courses that count toward that requirement. They always verify with your transcripts to make sure your pre-requs are met with whichever you select though.

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If you're talking about the program materials section when selecting pre-requs that fulfill requirements, I would select both courses that count and all other courses that count toward that requirement. They always verify with your transcripts to make sure your pre-requs are met with whichever you select though.

Yes this!! Thank you

Do people do this with all courses? For example, I took an introductory organic chemistry class that had a lecture and lab combined but also took the first upper level organic chem class without the lab. So when a school asks for organic chem with lab, would you suggest I choose both the course with the lab and the upper level course?

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Some schools only want you to meet the requirements, not exceed them, as they can see all your classes on your application, but want a shorter list for pre-reqs. I'd only put the course that fulfills the requirement - so the course they are asking for, with the best grade. If in doubt, ask the school directly as their answers will vary.

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