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I am in need of your advise, ladies and gentlemen!


I have about a year of good ED experience with good references, not a fast track, community ED with good hands on and decent doc support. Due to hospital sale I am in need to look for a new position. I feel like my experience made things more favorable in my job search since I get calls and interviews. 

From the current market situation it seems like I will need to move which is not a big deal but here is the current situation: I have a very lucrative offer from a well established corporate UC that will allow me to stay in place and have a seamless transition. It looks like they liked my candidacy based on my ER experience (at least I think it played a large role), so this is option number one.

The interviews I have had in EDs will require move, to a less desirable locale by nature of the hospital location but would allow me to continue in main ED seeing good things. I specifically was looking at places that have no fast track. But there is a chance the money will be a bit less and there is a move etc.


My main question is about future experience. Should I suck it up and put another solid year-two under my belt in a main ED if I want to be in position to pick places and jobs later on in my carrier or you think have solid experience in UC is equally ok for future job searches.


Thank you for any input. I know there is no clear answer. Personal stories are really appreciated.

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Being in about the same boat recently, I found myself really enjoying the ability to see a greater variety of patients in my new job. I'm learning every day and pushing myself to become an even better clinician. So for me, one of the questions you have to ask yourself is would you be happy managing ESI 4 and 5s almost exclusively? Another way of looking at it is, would this trade off be worth staying where you are? Sick people do walk into UCs, but you will more than likely send them to the ED. You are already looking at jobs with no fast track... Just some food for thought.

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depends if you value lifestyle> work gratification or the other way around.

when I went from job 1 to job 2 18 years ago I took an 8 dollar/hr pay cut( 32/hr down to 24) and had to move 1000 miles to see sicker patients and have better autonomy and scope of practice. glad I did it.

only you can answer this question.

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