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How easy is it to pick up extra shifts?

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I know this may be on the extreme end, but is it easy to pick up as many extra shifts as you want (that are available) in EM, say 20 in one month? Is there enough of extra shifts in the first place or should one just pick up another PT position (say in UC)?


Reason why I ask - willing to work hard for loan repayment. Obviously not a monthly thing. 

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generally not a problem with 1 job and the more per diem jobs you have the easier it becomes. between 1 FT, 1 PT and 2 per diem jobs I could work 12-24 hrs/day every day if I were so inclined...when I have big bills I tend to pick up some extra shifts, but really hate working 20 12s/mo and have done it too many times...

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At my ER we get overtime so it would not be advantageous to be working a different job on the side - might as well put in all my hours here so I can have the time and a half pay for anything over 40 hours a week! It has been really easy for me to pick up extra shifts. Also a new grad in the same spot as you and worked 220 hours last month and will do about 230 this month - I know it's nuts especially in ER but I am loving it and won't keep up this pace for more than a few months.

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at my primary job no one (pa or doc) gets overtime of any kind. we have shift differentials for nights, but nothing for weekends or holidays. we have short notice pay if we fill in for a sick colleague, but no other shift incentives.

my per diem jobs pay 10, 15, and 25/hr more than my primary job. working at a rural site right now. 4 hrs into the shift and seeing my first pt, likely a simple kidney stone.

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Pretty easy to get extra shifts if you don't mind working evenings nights and weekends. Otherwise there is a lot of variability depending on your work place.


I suggest you consider " pay as you earn " plan and loan repayment. If you work for a non profit you may pay less that way in the long run. You can't sustain any real quality of life at a 20 shift per month pace. I suggest coming up with a more realistic loan repayment plan. Better to pay loans for a while and enjoy life than wake up realizing you lost out on the past 5 years of your life just so you could wipe out your debt.

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