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Advice for PA schools that value RD experience

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Hello All,

I have read all of the posts regarding RD's looking to become PA's. I am currently an RD licensed in the state of TX. I have recently changed careers and have two bachelor degrees, the first a BA in psychology and the second a BS in Nutrition. My total GPA is about a 3.1 and the last three years of school is around a 3.6. I am curious to see what schools out there 1. value RD clinical experience for HCE for a PA program 2. programs that do not have time limit restrictions on prerequisites since some of my prerequisites are more than 7 yrs old and 3. schools that prefer or are ok with older students and/or have improved their gpa's from the start of their college coursework. I am 35 yrs old and plan to apply for the next application cycle. I am a TX resident and it seems that several of the TX PA schools have an avg age of 23-24 and have time limits on prerequisites. I am not set on a TX school, although it would be nice to get a break on in state tuition. Any info or recommendations on schools that give preference or are ok with this would be greatly appreciated! 

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Of your 3 issues, your old pre-reqs will be your limiting factor.  All of the schools I looked at, applied to, and interviewed at would have accepted RD and, as an older applicant myself, I did not find age to be an issue.


Your best bet is to check out programs individually as far as pre-reqs go because they can change from year to year.  5 years is pretty typical, but so is 10.  You'll be able to apply to a majority of programs, just don't waste money on the ones where your pre-reqs are too old.  There's no magic answer, you've just got to put the leg work into checking out programs.  We've all been there.

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I am an RD and I was just accepted to a great program. I know there are many programs that value this experience, and many list it is an example of HCE on their program websites. However, one school I e-mailed said that my experience would not count as HCE despite me describing my job duties and detailing how closely I work with patients. Just reach out to the programs if you are concerned. I have my CNSC, work pre-dominately in the ICU, perform physical assessments, round with the ICU team, and write parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition orders. I think it's all about how your application showcases your skill set, and how you feel your experience will make you a great candidate. As far as time limits for pre-reqs, there are a few schools that do not have limits, and others that only require they be done in the past 7-10 years - you will have to put in the work to find those schools. I would advise you to start researching since there are so many programs, but feel free to PM if you have specific questions. 

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Hi all thank you for taking the time to post! EMF04... yes I have been doing research and there are a lot of programs out there. I was hoping to hear about a few schools that members know about or would recommend that I may have missed in my search that meet the above criteria. It is not always easy to get to know a program from their website. A lot of factors to consider. I am finding that prerequisites can vary quite a bit so I really need to strategize to find right programs to apply to for this application cycle. Thank you very much had1118 for suggesting UNC. I thought that I had looked at the prereqs for UNC and must have overlooked them. I have met the prereqs already and and it doesnt appear that they have a time limit on courses. I will do some more research, but I think that this school could be a great fit.

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