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Good Smart Charts???

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I was wondering if anybody would be willing to help me out. I have figured out that our charting is not all it could be in the ER that I work at. In an effort to change things up, I’m trying to put together a better “Smart Chart.” I know that “Smart Chart” means something different to everybody. Some things work, and some don’t. We are trying to put together a more comprehensive chart. If anybody would be willing to, I would like to see the charts that you’re using and hear what it is that you like about it and what you don’t. My group has kind of given me permission to modify our chart in any way I see fit that would benefit the PAs and expedite care. A PM or a regular email to sfcapa@yahoo.com with attachments or advice would be greatly appreciated!

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I think that dictation is the best option out there. I can talk faster than I can write or type and I can dictate a complex pt with icu admissions, etc in about 2 minutes. writing that chart takes 5. putting it in an emr takes ten.

I work at several places that use either paper, dictation, or emr. even after 10 yrs with the same emr(epic) I still prefer paper or dictation. the best emr out there for em is electronic t-system but most places are doing epic because it is cheaper and can cover the whole hospital. epic has so much redundancy built in it is ridiculous. every order must be accepted and signed(two steps). why not a button that says accept and sign? apparently that concept is beyond the understanding of the folks at epic. the epic templates for em totally blow. they are not even specific to joints for musculoskeletal. they say upper or lower extremity then multiple steps to get to ankle, then to right ankle. t-system has em provider consultants so it flows much more smoothly. epic consults internists to design an er chart....

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