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Ah . . . Nepal

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nice! have you been able to work through the pa licensing and scope of practice issues from the last trip?


I'm not sure what we had talked about, officially with the Nepalese government or with the actual on-the-ground organization?


As far as the country of Nepal, of course they don't recognize PAs. So, the good news is that we don't have to sit before the national medical board before we start seeing patients, like the MDs do, because we are beneath the radar. In the medical board's eyes (which is of course frustrating) PAs are Doctor's little helpers. On practical terms, the organization is coming around after having about 5 PAs go with them. The American docs are always great and usually quite respectful of the PAs. The organization leader (Anil, featured in the movie)is hesitant about PAs. I spend many hours with him during the trip sitting around a campfire, eating goat meat and curry and at his home after the trip talking about PAs. I think he will eventually be a great PA supporter when he sees more in action. By the time our trip was over he really didn't try to limit what we were doing (which he did at first). He is a very kind man but like most places in the world (and even in the US) he has a hard time getting his head around us.

Very moving preview of the movie :) I've been wanting to go in third world countries and do some service as well... but of course, I am only a pre-pa at the moment so I couldn't do much YET. Fortunately though, on Jan 2012 I will be able to go and visit the Philippines and do some medical service. I'm very excited! Good luck with everything and hopefully in the future I can work with you guys because I will never think twice of it!

  • 3 weeks later...
I would be highly interested in the opportunity. Keep me posted!


There's two trips across the pass, in the Spring and in October (too snowy in the winter and too wet in the summer). I hope to be on the October trip if I can keep my clinic here afloat. If you are a student and want it as a rotation I can try an arrange an American physician to be a preceptor.

  • 9 months later...

Wow, very interesting clip. I know it was posted a while ago but still glad I checked it out. Nepal needs our help, along with many other 3rd world countries. Hopefully more short films like this one will be viewed by the public so we can continue making a change. Awesome footage!


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