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Calculating Worked Hours

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So on a few school websites, it says that it's okay to calculate our earned patient care hours up to the application deadline date. Should I do this with CASPA? It would obviously make a huge difference in the amount of hours one may have (especially if submitting the app early--i.e. 5 months worth of hrs!) I don't want to assume though and come off as dishonest...


I've already called CASPA,...but they were closed and I'm being stupidly impatient :wink:.

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Taken straight from the CASPA FAQ(which I wish people would read before posting threads):



  • Q: I’ve begun my experience, but plan on accumulating more hours before the PA program begins. Can I include those?
    A: In the experience sections, you may only document (in hours/weeks, etc) the time already completed. Once you submit your application, you may not update this section. However, in the text box under “duties” you may clarify your expected time commitment, and send any updates directly to the schools to which you are applying.

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If you put down your hours at the time of submitting the app & put that it's, for example, a full-time job working 40 hours a week, then the admissions folks can easily figure that you'll have a lot more hours by the app deadline.


If you decide to ignore the CASPA instructions/FAQs (in the previous response), you'll misrepresent yourself because what if they reduce your work hours or you get laid off in the coming 5 months? Then your hours will be flat-out wrong because you can't change what you already submitted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was a volunteer EMT for my college campus. I was on call for 12 hours every week for two semesters and also worked 2 weekend shifts a month. In addition, I volunteered to standby with a crew at soccer games, concerts, freshmen move-in, and homecoming. My problem is calculating the hours because even though I was on call for 12hrs, there were times where I got no calls and there were times when I got alot of calls. I do not want to misrepresent myself so how do I calculate the hours?

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I was a volunteer EMT for my college campus. I was on call for 12 hours every week for two semesters and also worked 2 weekend shifts a month. In addition, I volunteered to standby with a crew at soccer games, concerts, freshmen move-in, and homecoming. My problem is calculating the hours because even though I was on call for 12hrs, there were times where I got no calls and there were times when I got alot of calls. I do not want to misrepresent myself so how do I calculate the hours?


You need to figure out how many hours you were actually active. Call hours when you got no calls don't count.

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