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Looking to Shadow in Northern California

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Hey all,


I'm looking to shadow a PA somewhere in Norther California. I've worked with PA's before in the military, but would like to see how they operate in the civilian sector.


So far, my "cold calls" are turning up empty. Not sure if places are afraid of the liability?


I'm located in the Sacramento Area and am willing to commute if need be.


Thank you!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you in school? Are you going to PA school? Let me know and send me a personal message. I work at a busy ER, I'm the only show in town during the night shift. I see a ton of patients and I have the administrations ear. As long as you aren't slicing people open, it's all good. I'm in Stockton, not too far from you. I'm a military trained PA as well. let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DLuong

I would love to shadow you if possible. I live in San Jose and wouldn't mind at all driving to Stockton for the opportunity(s).

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