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What are my chances? Should I take another gap year?

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Hello everyone, I am a 22 year old pre-PA student in California hoping to remain in state when I attend PA school. PA programs in California are super competitive, should I take another gap year? My main concern is HCE and community service.


Overall GPA: 3.92

Science GPA: 3.90

Prereq GPA: 3.95

GRE: 305


550 hours volunteering in the hospital that can be considered as direct patient care experience

1379 hours as a C-MA

100 hours as an academic mentor at elementary school

250 hours of leadership experience as a recruitment coordinator for a hospital internship

20 shadow hours with PA in ER

I also work as a tutor at a local CC and mentor older students and adults.


Please let me know what you think! Thank you.

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