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Problems with Stanford CASPA app

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Is anyone having problems with their CASPA app? I have filled out everything and it still shows that it isn't complete. I have called CASPA twice and they state it is an issue with Stanford changing their requirements at the last minute. My app is ready to submit but it's stuck! Help!

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This is a known issue and the CASPA team is working on this to get it remedied as soon as possible. Please be patient, unfortunately the Stanford application launched unexpectedly, too early. This was to no fault of Stanford's, however, their custom options were not completed at this time so we had to close them and re-launch them once their custom options were completed. 


This has now caused an issue that our team is addressing and will email ALL Stanford applicants (in-progress) once this issue is remedied. Thank you for your patience as we iron this out. 

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