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I scored a 78% on packrat with no harmful answers. Is this score adequate(on average) to pass boards? I know the want to hedge like a radiologist is strong :O_O: LOL but please be as honest as possible.


Thats AWESOME!!!! Now watch your back, there are lurkers on this forum who will ask you for a copy of your packrat lol...(I kid you NOT)...

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Yea that isnt going to happen...I did however have a horrible time deciphering their davinci code test grid for which question was what type and what your answer is....OMG I about had a stroke. Clinical intervention was my weakest which is odd as it is something Im good at in RL and not on a test. Any ideas on improving that?

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After throwing some chicken bones and looking at tea leaves I've come up with intervention seeming to be questions about what tests and treatments to do. However there is a therapeutics section I did well in so I may still be wrong...


According to the NCCPA blueprint for the PANCE, your idea of intervention is correct, while therapeutics is more related to "pharmaceutical therapeutics"


See http://www.nccpa.net/ExamsContentBPTasks.aspx


78% is really good. You should do fine on the PANCE. According to many hypothesis/studies I've seen and heard of; if you score above a 120-130, you'll do well on the boards. Scary I know.


I view the PACKRAT as a chance to see what you know, without studying for it. Many people I know studied for it by reviewing buzzwords/past PACKRATS, and since many of the questions are recycled, will likely do well on it.


I just hope I did better on this years PACKRAT and avoided the ominous 2nd year drop off :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
i did decent in my Packrat...but just want to brag that a classmate from our class scores 201 out of 225 questions and were the highest scorer in the nation. Pretty sweet

Yep, 201 is pretty ridiculous. We had a 200 and a few in the 190s in my class also. It looks like anything over 150 is pretty good and over 170 is really good. On a side note, I wonder what percentage of PA programs use the packrat. There seems to be a lot of folks on the forum trying to get their hands on it.

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Melissa told us in class that one of the 3rd years scored a 211, which was the highest score in the nation and she was working on getting permission from her to tell people who it was. Please let me know what it says when you recheck yours. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Who said anything about cheating?

I am done with PA school and I am preparing for PANCE. I just wanted to see if anyone took it more recently since my school only gave us 1 a year and a half ago. Since everyone says it corelates with the PANCE, I was just looking for the most recent one.

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Pretty sure that is still illegal...


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