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Will My Grades Matter When I apply For Jobs?

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Hey everybody! I'm a PA student that's close to finishing the didactic year. My grades, overall, are not pretty (about a B- average). My guess is that my grades in my clinical year (which will be mostly based on callback exams) will not be that good either (not because I don't know my stuff or don't understand things....I'm just not the best test taker). Will this be a major problem in getting my first job right out of PA school? How much do grades matter in this sense?


Any response is appreciated! Thanks for taking the time out to read!

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I don't see a scenario were a potential employer asks for your GPA.


Agreed, though if it is exceptional -- say you graduated with a 4.0 and 1st in your class, then that certainly should make its way onto your CV. Will it impress a potential employer? Maybe, who knows.

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