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Questions on HCE

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Hi. As I continue work on my pre-req's, I am now thinking to how I can get HCE, and I have a few questions. I should mention I am an 'older' student, so I'm trying to proceed as quickly with this as I can.

- Schools vary widely in their stated requirements for HCE hours. Why do you think this is?


- What do schools want you to 'get out of' HCE? Patient interaction? Critical thinking skills? Familiarity with healthcare? What else?

>> What are the best jobs for this?


- I have my EMT cert (though not NR, and I haven't worked as one) and have volunteered in hospitals giving hearing tests to newborns, helping in the Activity Center at a Children's Hospital, and am now in the ER -- so I have some skills that translate to a medical job

>> What types of jobs can I get without further (or limited) additional schooling? I am thinking of starting part-time (while staying in my current career) then transitioning to full-time.

>> For others who have switched from their careers to healthcare to get HCE, how did you handle changes in (decreased) income?

>> The biggest downsides to being an EMT in the ER are the hours and schedule, given what else is going on in my life


I am flexible and willing to learn and work hard, but as I will be doing this (for HCE) for 1.5 years +, I'd like something with challenge and diversity.


Thank you for your replies!

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