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This MUST be a joke...

Guest Rutheb

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Guest Paula
Sounds like Austin.


I was asked two questions on the first job interview I ever went to out of PA school for a job in cardiovascular surgery. First question: are you willing to move near the hospital so you can be close if we get a call in the middle of the night? Reasonable question, answered yes since I only lived 10 minutes from the hospital anyway.


Second question: are you willing to accept a salary of 20% less than average for the privilege of staying in the Austin area? I told him that I would expect him to call my student loan financing company, mortgage company, car loan lender and credit card company and ask them if they would decrease all my outstanding balances by 20%, accept 20% less than the minimum payment each month and get back to me in writing when he had his answers. I picked up my sandwich off the tray, so I at least got a free lunch out of this waste of my time, and walked out of the cafeteria.


I didn't think a thank you note for the interview was warranted...


I am thankful for the PAs who stand up for themselves and do not cut themselves short on salary, benefits and hours. After 9 years of being a PA I am making a good salary and I did not settle for a low salary at any of the places I have worked at. Part of this attitude is that as starting out as an older PA and in a second career I expected to be treated as a professional with a professional salary. One local clinic I applied at proudly offered me $63,000/yr and the human resource person thought it was a fabulous salary for a PA. I find it interesting that this particular clinic system is one of the premier systems in my area, good reputation, called the "Mayo" clinic of the north, hires lots of PAs and started one of the first PA programs in the state.


I got offered a better salary at a reservation. So that's where I started my first job.

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If a school doesn't know that the proper title of the the profession is PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT then you shouldn't be allowed to open a program. This is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves. How hard is it for people to realize it is two independent words that follow one another? I think I'm just going to start calling people Nurse's Practitioners and Medical's Doctors and see how everyone reacts.


FYI, I emailed a faculty member listed on the site about this. She apologized for the error and will contact their IT department to fix it.

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FYI, I emailed a faculty member listed on the site about this. She apologized for the error and will contact their IT department to fix it.


Thanks, medic25!! I wrote to the email address listed for site feedback requesting that they change it to the correct name. Hopefully between the two of us it will be fixed! I also reminded them that 's denotes possession and that the physicians we work with do not own us...just in case they needed a grammar refresher :heheh:

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