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National Guard after Graduation?

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How long on average does the process take to get in after graduation? Do I pursue the NG before my first civilian employment or at the same time? Because I do know, or heard from others, that the average first time employment takes about 3-5 months because of the credentialing process etc. So, I was curious if during this big break, one can sign up for the NG near the end of graduation and do the required leadership training during the 3-5 month period.

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I've had a few new LT's come in and be sent to Officer Basic.  As a new accession, you'd be assigned to a unit, then they would send you to OBC.  The trick is that the state medical recruiter would likely want you to have graduated and passed the PANCE before bringing you in.  Talk to your medical recruiter (I can't stress enough to talk to the medical recruiter and not just a regular recruiter) and see if they can find a way to expedite the process.  It would also help if you could speak with a PA in your state's Guard. What state are you in?

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I was in the NG when I got my first PA job.  I got a lot of questions about when I was going to get out. My end date happened to be close to when I got my first job.  They can't "legally" not hire you because you are in the NG, you just won't get hired.  Because of the possibility of getting called up people are worried about hiring people still in from my experience and my friends.  It will be 10x worse if you work for a small company (might help you 1 out of 1000 times).  It may seem like a jerk thing to do, but get hired first then go NG.  Once you are in they can get in big legal trouble for retaliation. 

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I know exactly what you mean, I'll most likely join after getting hired then for those reasons. Also, I do lean towards EM and hopefully it shouldn't be too bad considering the need and the size of hospital employment. I guess I'll find out! :)

I was in the NG when I got my first PA job.  I got a lot of questions about when I was going to get out. My end date happened to be close to when I got my first job.  They can't "legally" not hire you because you are in the NG, you just won't get hired.  Because of the possibility of getting called up people are worried about hiring people still in from my experience and my friends.  It will be 10x worse if you work for a small company (might help you 1 out of 1000 times).  It may seem like a jerk thing to do, but get hired first then go NG.  Once you are in they can get in big legal trouble for retaliation. 

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