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Electronic scripts for Controlled substances

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So this post came up from from kkvanlan



Yes you can. But you  have to have the approved software for controlled substances. Unless your state has added restrictions.


On March 31, 2010, DEA's Interim Final Rule with Request for Comment titled "Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances" [Docket No. DEA-218, RIN 1117-AA61] was published in the Federal Register. The rule became effective June 1, 2010.

The rule revises DEA regulations to provide practitioners with the option of writing prescriptions for controlled substances electronically. The regulations also permit pharmacies to receive, dispense, and archive these electronic prescriptions. These regulations are an addition to, not a replacement of, the existing rules. The regulations provide pharmacies, hospitals, and practitioners with the ability to use modern technology for controlled substance prescriptions while maintaining the closed system of controls on controlled substances.




My question is


1) can you do this in Massachusetts

2) is anyone in the country doing it?

3) how is it working?



I am a house call practice to getting refills to patients is hard (can't just say - 'stop into the office')

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Surescripts absolutely allows it. Refer to link: http://surescripts.com/products-and-services/medication-network-services/e-prescribing-of-controlled-substances. Only one state, Nebraska doesn't allow it. Seems to be an issue with prescriber EHR systems being compatible with the extra security requirements.  I couldn't find anything on Centricity that says it does or doesn't support E-Rx'ing of controlled substances.


I bet the change of hydrocodone combos to C-2 drastically increase the demand for E-RX Controlled Substance compatible systems.  At least I hope so....and even better would be an additional interface with state PDMP's (controlled substance registries).


I should point out I am a pharmacist applying to PA school. Interview in 4 weeks.  I joined this forum to learn more about the profession.

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