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On-site/ Corporate Clinics?

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Anyone here working in a clinic that is located within a large corporate campus?


My health system has an opening at one such clinic; it services a local company's campus where a few hundred people work; their families are also eligible for care. It's a little like being the PCP for a small town, or being the ship's surgeon (if you imagine the corporate campus is a spaceship... which I probably would, if I worked in such a place).


From time to time, I see clinic notes from these outfits. They're part of the same clinic system that my Urgent Care is, owned and operated by us, just located in the client company's building. There seem to be a lot of similarities. Walk-in basis, never quite sure what you'll see next. This would be more primary care too, but since half the people I see need primary care more than they need the UC, that's not such a big change.


Presumably, there would also be some lunchtime presentations to do about wellness topics, and the occasional health fair to help put together, but it seems like it could be fun.


Who's had a job like this? Is this something weird and midwestern?

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I dont work in one of these clinics but I know a colleague that does. 

I think it is turning out to be the best move for her.

Prior she was a hospitalist.

Better hours, less stress.

I think you should also expect a bunch of occ health mixed in too.

Your pt population will likely be rather motivated. Many of these clinics serve the corporation as a onsite motivator for health behaviors, tie insurance premiums and also some health associated bonuses to the clinic and measures such as wt, bp, etc.

I am in New England so definitely not a midwest thing.

Good luck

G Brothers PA-C

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I try to stay as far from occmed as possible. not a big fan of the 5 min visit followed by 20 min of paperwork as you rewrite the chart in triplicate on different sets of forms that all basically say "superficial R hand abrasion, cleaned, bandaid applied", tdap updated, return to full duty".

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