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WIC experience valuable for PA school??

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HI everyone!

I wanted to get some opinions from you guys and see if anyone can relate their experiences. I have a job interview next week for a WIC caseworker position at my local health dept. (Just in case anyone doesn't know, WIC is a federal program that provides supplemental nutrition assistance to women, infants, and children who are in need.) I'm definitely going to take the offer if I get it, but how valuable would this work be as it relates to HCE? I still plan to take a training course to become an EMT-B and volunteer with a fire house regardless, but just wanted to see if anyone comes from a WIC background and is a PA or in PA school? Did your PA program see it as valuable? What job duties should I really focus on or highlight when it's time to apply to PA programs? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks :)

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I came from a WIC background as a dietitian and worked with the program in two states over the course of about 15 years.  It counted for me for direct HCE since I had numerous contacts with women in nutritional, breastfeeding and infant feeding counseling.  I also had clinical nutrition HCE in outpatient clinics for about 2 years and was involved in various public health initiatives throughout my dietetics career.   


I work in rural underserved area now and the reason I became a PA is because of my exposure to the WIC population and my experiences in providing nutritional services in rural areas.  Part of this experience was handling caseloads of children with special health care needs who were nutritionally compromised, such as needing tube feedings done within the home and supporting parents. 


What are the responsibilities of a WIC caseworker?  If it is more related to helping families apply for WIC and you have not much contact in a health-related way the PA schools may not count as HCE.  You can be creative though and offer to present health topics to clients on an educational basis, etc.  


Don't underestimate what a school might count for HCE.  I would still pursue the EMT-B to get medically focused HCE.

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