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Two separate and totally different approaches. Please advise.

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I like the second more. It's direct, lists your experiences and accomplishments, has you overcoming some obstacles, and spells out why you want to be a PA more succinctly.


I would consider dropping the part about almost applying to med school. It doesn't add much and may serve as an unnecessary distraction.


I assume you're only applying to one program? As your last paragraph spells out the school specifically. That will alert the school that you're only applying to them. I don't see that working against you and maybe even a bit for you...but only 1!?


Good luck didymus. We need more well dressed shiba inu in medicine.


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I like the second more. It's direct, lists your experiences and accomplishments, has you overcoming some obstacles, and spells out why you want to be a PA more succinctly. I would consider dropping the part about almost applying to med school. It doesn't add much and may serve as an unnecessary distraction. I assume you're only applying to one program? As your last paragraph spells out the school specifically. That will alert the school that you're only applying to them. I don't see that working against you and maybe even a bit for you...but only 1!? Good luck didymus. We need more well dressed shiba inu in medicine.


Thanks very much for the feedback.

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