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Pre-Clinical volunteer hours? What counts?

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Does anyone know what type of volunteer work is acceptable for pre-clinical hours? I am not a paramedic, EMT, nurse etc. I am finishing my PhD in gerontology and my pre-requisits, but I still need pre-clinical experience. Any advice? I'm applying to Texas PA schools if that makes a difference. I would be so grateful for any words of wisdom :)

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Program requirements will vary so you should research each program you are interested in to find out what they will accept and what will afford you the best experience. Do you plan to apply in this cycle? If so, you may want to consider programs that do not require experience because the cycle is well underway and it would be difficult to gain any meaningful experience at this point, especially for programs that require experience for your application.


The easiest jobs to obtain are the ones in which you will need a certification, like CNA, EMT, Medical Assistant, etc. I highly recommend referring to the program websites to really understand their requirement for experience. 


Thank you,


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