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EMT Class in CASPA

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Hello All,


I will be applying for the 2015-2016 cycle.  I currently stand at a 3.3 cGPA and hoping to get some helpful information. I am currently a licensed EMT and received my certification at UCLA in 2013.  Back in 2010 I took my first EMT course at a CC and was unable to pass the class. I did not pass the class and it was 6 units and I received a D (although you had to maintain an 85% average to take the final, which I did, and I missed passing the final by 2 points 78% when you needed an 80% to pass....long story short, I'm puzzled as to why they gave me a D in the class when I clearly didn't earn a D!) I was very young at the time and my head simply wasn't there as much as it is now. My question is when I start my CASPA, will they count this towards my GPA even if I didn't receive a certificate for the class and the class can't even be transferred to a university?

Any type of help would be appreciated!

Thank you! 

My understanding is that only courses which qualify for college level credits will count toward your CASPA GPA.  Additionally, whatever school you're looking at will likely look at how you have performed in your more recent attempts at school and are understanding about grades that were earned because of your youthfulness as long as you can show a sustained improvement in your grades.  I was just directed by CASPA, today, to place the school and program where I earned my chance to take the Paramedic exam, under the PROFESSIONAL education heading along with a PASS/FAIL grade.  This is because I have yet to receive any college credit for the 850+hr Paramedic course that I passed.  It's basically just a way for us to show that we took the EMT/PARAMEDIC course.  The certification that you received wouldn't have come from UCLA but from the National Registry of Emergency Technicians as it is the only recognized governing body for EMTs.  Unless there's something new that I am unaware of, the course was simply something that you had to complete in order to be allowed to sit for the EMT certification exam.  Did you receive college semester/quarter credits for your EMT course (possibly as part of an EMS Field Operations/Management degree plan), or was it only a preparation course that allowed you to sit for the EMT certifying exam?

UCLA is just the preparatory course I took that allowed me to sit for the National Registry Exam...I figured that the class would stick to me, it's unfortunate but I know it's something I'll definitely explain it in my personal statement/interview when the time comes. Thanks @matsen

Curry11; from saying you took your EMT at a cc and it was worth 6 units, I think it has to go under coursework (with the D unfortunately). The defining point is if your class was worth college credit. Your description of the UCLA one sounds as though it isn't, so it goes under professional, but the cc one was for college credits. I took my EMT and paramedic at community colleges and it went into my other sciences on CASPA Posted Image


For what it's worth though you might want to contact the cc and find out why you earned a D in the class, I'm guessing they must have had a different grading scale to make a 78%= D, but it's at least worth asking


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