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Are there any PAs in rheumatology?

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Never rotated but have heard of a few positions posted.  OA, RA and gout are the bread and butter.  Then of course there are the fibro pts which some rheums handle which can let me say be a challenge.  I'd imagine you also get some pretty interesting diagnoses from time to time and also have a stable base of lupus, sarc, CREST etc.  I've heard a decent amount of referalls from optho that lead to nothing.  At an academic center if you did any in pt I'd imagine you'd see some pretty crazy stuff, however.  Except RA and some SLE, most patients being turfed to rheum are pretty good cases.  I rotated at one center that had a rheum in the same office and we saw a couple of their pts including some lupus, sarc and even one case of linear scleroderma.

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Yes, there are. If you look, Rod Hooker has published a paper about PA providers in Rheumatology. You can search it.

he was a rheum pa before he went 100% academic. he precepted a few of my friends for rheum rotations in the 90s.

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I work in Rheumatology and have been at it about 2.5 years now. We see LOADS of really interesting cases. Sure Lupus, Sclero, Gout - but also polymyositis, relapsing polychondritis, RS3PE, stuff no one knows about. We see Fibro too, and sometimes the personalities can be difficult to handle, but I supposed that is also the case with any chronic pain patient. I'm in Killeen, TX, and I got lucky bc my Doc is awesome, loves to teach and I always feel comfortable asking him anything. We have another PA and he has been in Rheum for 13 years.

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  • 3 years later...

We had a Rheum module in clinical medicine taught by Rick Pope, a rheum PA here in CT. He's been practicing in Rheum for 25years and founded the Society for PAs in Rheumatology (SPAR). Rheumatology was one of my favorite modules! Also, my dad was just diagnosed with Lupus, which has me doing a little more reading on the topic - Rheumatology is definitely very interesting!

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