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How do you prefer to be contacted by a student for a shadow?

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What would be the best way to get in touch with you for a shadow? 

A walk-in/ email/ phone call? 


If you do prefer meeting face to face (with a spontaneous drop-in from the student), do you expect them to dress professionally? Also, would you want to see their CV? 


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i would be pretty annoyed if someone walked into my office and disrupted me. A phone call these days might be considered a bit forward. linked in ?  email ? If I was going to invite someone into my practice you better believe I would want a full CV and professionally worded letter of intent. However, I would never shadow with someone in my current position. 1) it would disrupt my day big time, i have a busy private practice.  2) my patients often have sensitive issues.   3) but most important I am a private practice and do not have the ability to send whoever wants to shadow for HIPPA training.  

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Drive, determination and a touch of chutzpah.


Walk right in to the ER wearing your Sunday best, find me, shake hands, introduce yourself, look me in the eye and ask for whatever it is you want.


A suit, CV, and the huevos to ask gets it every time for me, which, by the way, is how I achieved it.


Good Luck

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OP this is a great question.  Thank you for asking.  I'm looking to volunteer and shadow.  I called a few places last week stating I was interested in volunteering and they were very receptive even if they could not help me.  It is a lot easier to deal with the rejections over the phone.  There was one place that asked me to fax over my resume.  I'm going to include a cover letter specifically asking to shadow and volunteer and the reasons behind my interest.  Good luck!

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