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Studying for PANCE in Clinical Year

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Was wondering if anyone had suggestions that were successful for studying for the PANCE during their clinical year. Both material and methods would be helpful. I've heard USMLE Step 2 books are pretty good places to start. Thanks for any suggestions anyone has.

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Students don't often think this holistically, but if your program is structured well a lot of things you already do are setting you up for success on the PANCE. In particular, your end of rotation examinations should be giving you pretty good insight into what you have left to do to prepare.


I usually tell most of my students that they should not need a review course. If it will help them sleep better at night and go into the PANCE with more confidence, then by all means take one. But if they have tracked through the program ok and no concerns have arisen there should not be much more to do.

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