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Retaking classes after graduating with BA?

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So, here's the thing; I am graduating from my school with a shameful GPA (let's just say "lower than 3.0" but higher than 2.5), in general and science, and I know that my chances are not too pleasing. So, I was wondering, is it possible to take some post-bacculeurate classes or classes in a non-degree program to replace the grades? I was told that you could take the classes after and the newer grades will be considered along with the old grades.


Also, I am enlisting in the USAF as a airman in aerospace medical services (flight medic) and I was wondering, if I can retake the classes, would my service be a benefit to admission boards?

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  • Administrator

Sort of.  Yes, you can retake classes, but CASPA never does grade replacement, only averaging.  Individual schools may do grade replacement, but most just use CASPA's method.


Military medical service is always excellent, well-respected HCE.

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Sort of.  Yes, you can retake classes, but CASPA never does grade replacement, only averaging.  Individual schools may do grade replacement, but most just use CASPA's method.


Military medical service is always excellent, well-respected HCE.


Do you also happen to know if online courses from accredited universities will be accepted?


Also, does it matter where the classes are taken and would the school's name where I took the courses bear any weight?

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  • Administrator

Those will vary from school to school.  Some places have a virulent anti-online mentality; others are perfectly OK with it.  It wasn't until the 2010-2011 cycle that CASPA even counted online classes separately.


As far as the school name... I dunno if the name itself matters but again, some places are biased against community colleges.

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... It wasn't until the 2010-2011 cycle that CASPA even counted online classes separately.


...  some places are biased against community colleges.

I was wondering if anyone knows why CASPA decide to change online classes separately?


Just don't get me started with CC.

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