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New grad resume question

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For your first resume, did you put in much detail for your past job experiences?


What about your rotations?


For example, did you just list your rotations, or put 1-2 sentences about your responsibilities there for each one?


My past jobs were CNA on several different floors, also some research, and one relevant office job, etc.  My current resume has 5-7 lines per each of those jobs.  Should I leave it or shorten it?


Thanks any and all for advice.  Sorry if this is posted in wrong section, if so can admin please move it to where appropriate.  I did search and read prior resume posts but did not find the answer to my question.

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It really depends on how much of a pre-PA resume you have.  You want to include 2 pages of the best info that will get you hired.  In my case, that DID include quite a lot of my 18+ year IT background prior to PA school rather than a lot of details on my rotations... and I got hired handily.  If someone's got a shorter resume, then they may need to dig deeper to fill that space.

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I included all prior medical jobs but left off non-medical jobs. they probably care that I was an emt, er tech, MA, phlebotomist, and paramedic. they probably don't care that I was a security guard and worked in the cafeteria my first quarter in college before I got an er tech job.

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