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Selecting Equipment for Didactic Year

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I'm beginning the didactic year of my PA program soon, and I've been sent a list of equipment to purchase for use during practice sessions (i.e. tuning forks, stethoscopes, otoscopes). There seems to be some room for personal preferences, provided we follow a few constraints. For example, I can purchase rechargeable or battery powered handles for my opthalmoscope, and I can buy either a mid-ranged or expensive stethoscope.


Looking back on your own didactic year, do you have any equipment advice? How can I spend my money wisely? Is there anything you bought that was a waste of money? Is there anything that was more handy than you expected? Also, what equipment bag did you go with?

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I bought a stethoscope only. Everything else we needed was issued and turned back in at the end of the didactic year. 


I would go as cheap as you can. You might check with your big brother/big sister, if your school has someone from the class ahead of you for you to contact. If you really need an otoscope and an ophthalmoscope, you might be able to buy their's, along with some of their books.


When you finally go into practice, you'll likely have most of what you need, except for a stethoscope. If you are thinking of medical missions or the like, then maybe you'll want to buy more.

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REI has great toiletry bags that can be converted into medical bags. I got this bag for $30 on sale and it's very durable as well as compact 10.5 x 9.5 x 4 inches.


The great thing is it fits literally everything including my bates pocket guide, stethoscope, otoscope / ophthalmoscope, disposable otoscope speculums, 128/216/512 tuning forks, pulse ox, BP cuff, intersecting pentagons, two vials of scents, various pocket cards, maxwell pocket reference, reflex hammer, pen light, push click sharpies, a bunch of push button black pens, magnifying glass, calipers, and measuring tape.


Allheart.com has some stuff for cheap, same with amazon and eBay. I got myself a Reister ophthalmoscope for $40 with multiple filters and then a nice led otoscope for $20 (both from eBay). I'm guessing once I'm done with clinicals I'll never use the ones I've purchased since most places will have a set hanging on the wall in each room so IMO don't get crazy. Don't go super cheap either. Some of us bought really cheap sets and they literally fell apart (for some people during their course exam).


I'm still using my Littman SE II ($45), it does the job for now.


Here 'a a link to the REI bag I got. There was a really nice Swiss army one too for about $50.



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I like mid-range steths.

I own 3  classics 2 SEs ( 60 bucks each) which are lt weight and good quality.

I own a cardiology 2 (150 bucks) that I got in school. it is very heavy and not significantly better than the classic 2 SEs for the vast majority of applications. I take it with me on overseas trips but other than that never use it.

if you are going to work in cardiology get a good scope. for almost anything else, a middle of the line scope is fine.

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Our school had the same requirements. I put up money for a nice stethoscope (nobody in my family got me one as a 'congratulations' present, bastards). After that, I used an old hygiene bag from the military to carry my gear (I'd check goodwill for a $5 one), and bought the cheapest oto/ophthalmo I could find on amazon, and bundled that with the tuning forks, tape measure, pen lights, etc. for super cheap. In my experience, we only used our own stuff for testing out on the basic clinical skills stuff. Any clinic/hospital you go to as a student will pretty much have everything you need...almost.

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Our school had the same requirements. I put up money for a nice stethoscope (nobody in my family got me one as a 'congratulations' present, bastards). After that, I used an old hygiene bag from the military to carry my gear (I'd check goodwill for a $5 one), and bought the cheapest oto/ophthalmo I could find on amazon, and bundled that with the tuning forks, tape measure, pen lights, etc. for super cheap. In my experience, we only used our own stuff for testing out on the basic clinical skills stuff. Any clinic/hospital you go to as a student will pretty much have everything you need...almost.

yup. I gave away most of my stuff except the steth and the oto/ophthalmoscope soon after graduation.

I do have a real penlight now though: http://eagletac.com/html/d25a2m/index.html

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