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Need some advice for a first timer

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I'm 22 years old and have a bachelor's in exercise science. As of right now my overall GPA is about a 3.4 and my science GPA is a 3.1. By the time I send in my application I'll have about 2,400 hours as a medical assistant at a primary care facility along with a week long medical mission to Guatemala. My only problem is that I have four C+'s on my transcript, other than that I had A's and B's in every other class. Should I take these classes over again or focus on other aspects of my application to make myself stand out. Any advice/insight would be greatly appreciated! 

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I got A's in both anatomy classes and a B in Bio 2. The other thing is with my major I took so many other science courses that I got A's and B's in--Exercise physiology, kinesiology, neuromuscular control and advanced biomechanics to name a few. I was going to wait and apply in 2015 because I'm not sure if I have a shot this cycle. If I applied this cycle I would have about 1,200 hours when I applied.

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There is a great variety in experience requirements school to school. Many schools would be happy with 1200 hours, so it depends on where you apply. 


I don't see anything wrong with taking a shot now, if for no other reason that (a) you save a year and (b) you will learn something in the process of applying even if you don't get in this time. As my dear late Mom would say, "What's the worse thing that could happen?" You are already NOT in PA school, right?


I know that many schools are done with their interview for the classes of 2016 (starting this summer), but probably not all. I don't know if you can get your personal statement (that does not ignore your grades) and LORs -- as well as other paperwork -- in time at this point.


Whatever you decide, good luck.

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I had one C in chemistry and decided to retake it because I thought it would really stand out on my transcript. So I ended up retaking it at a community college and received an A. So then I felt like I was much better off than when I just had the C. However, at two of the four interviews I attended they still asked about the C even though I had retaken it and gotten a better grade....so I guess I don't have a great answer for you....I think if the rest of your transcript is strong I wouldn't worry about retaking it...but just make sure you have a strong answer to why you received the grade you did (how you recognized your obstacles and overcame them, how your a better more improved student now, etc)...because chances are you will be asked about it in an interview....

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Thanks everyone! All advice is much appreciated. I'm currently done with all of my pre-reqs besides chem 2. Do you think I should be taking additional science courses to boost my gpa?

If you have the time then you should jump on the opportunity to take some more health related sciences....genetics would be a good one, immunology, etc. plus the ones EMEDPA already said

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