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Should I quit my job...?

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Hi all. I have been torn for the last few weeks on whether or not I should leave my current job. I am a CNA at a small local Rehab Hospital in my town. I absolutely love the patients I work with and it's really amazing to see people get better every day under my care. However, I work with the most miserable group of people I have ever met in my life. It seems like every day that I go in, people are trying to pit coworkers against each other, get people into trouble, and take no accountability for their actions. There are only a handful of people that seem to actually care about the patients while the rest are more concerned with gossip/drama. 


I only started here 3 months ago and this job is making me seriously miserable ...): I am such a happy and positive person. I was a shift leader, medication manager, and had other supervisory positions at my previous job at an assisted living...which I loved! I only left to gain more "hands-on" intensive HCE. I regret it!!! 


I am afraid to quit because it is my future field and I do not want to seem like "a quitter." I also learn a lot at the hospital. At this point, however, I would rather enjoy the next few months before PA school (I start in June), waitress full time at my other job (better money),  and actually be happy before I'm busy busy busy for the next two years! I just can't seem to bring myself to quit...would this look bad come the summer when I start school if I leave? Has anyone else had a healthcare job from hell like this? What did you do??



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You certainly can leave; you're already in PA school so you don't necessarily need the HCE.


On the other hand, what's the big deal if the people there are weird? It won't be the last time you are around such people. And you already have your get-out-of-jail-free card; it's not like you are trying to get ahead and become the CEO.


If you are still learning stuff, then perhaps you could consider using the crap part of the job to learn how to work with some of the outlier types you will no doubt run into again.


Either way, you can't lose. You know where you will be in June. Eyes on the prize!

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If you can afford it, walk away.  Life is too short to be miserable.  I had a job that I was miserable in, but couldn't quit because I needed the money.  It got to the point where I was having nightmares about work and anxiety on Sunday evenings before going in on Monday.  As long as your last few jobs were not only 3 months, I don't think future employers will care.  Future employers understand that there is such a thing as a 'bad fit'


If you can't afford to quit, go into work with your head held high and do the job the best you can.  Don't take part in the gossip and if you have to be a 'lone wolf' at work for a few months, deal with it while the paychecks clear.  If there are things you like to do at work, try to do those as much as possible.  Also, if you have a smartphone or if there is an internet connection there take little breaks now and then to look at websites you enjoy.  I'm only talking like one article on the news or whatever for like 5 minutes.  Just a little escape when you can.  And finally, when things get bad, just remind yourself that this is temporary - you will be going to PA school and you are doing this to support yourself until you get there.  

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QUIT! You are already in so you don't need to worry about getting more HCE hours....if you have another job anyway I think its a no-brainer...I worked as a CNA for an assisted living facility and had a very similar experience....I left work crying on several occasions because of how mean and awful my coworkers were to me and no job is worth being that unhappy and miserable (I dreaded going into work!).....and after all of that, I ended up having to leave on bad terms because I asked off to go to a family funeral and was denied the time off....so I quit because I told them that I was going to the funeral no matter what because I had to be there for my family and was then told that I was being unprofessional and could not use them as a reference.......UGH! Terrible portion of my life lol...so happy that I am done with that place!!!

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