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I posted this in specialties, too, but since there is ONE topic thread there, I am assuming it is not a specialty stampeded by PAs...so, a duplicate here:


I am in the running for a job in psych that really appeals to me.


It is with an organization which primarily aids women and teens with substance abuse issues and trauma issues, all which I have experience with. I know I will be primarily prescribing meds, but I like the environment and I am really excited about this job. but switching to psych is a big change for me. my former specialty has been surgery.


any other PAs here in psych? have your experiences been good, bad, and why?


(ps I am leaving surgery bc I just think it's a bad fit. the culture is too intense, too brutal, and I guess I am more at the "humanitarian" (touchy-feely-talky) end of medicine).


please let me know your experiences!




An inner city perspective: I once thought working in psych sounded good, however, after working in ER with psych evals, all ages/conditions for initial medical clearance then rounding on them daiy until they discharge, I feel it to be unrewarding and would likely never go into pysch now. Granted I see people in throws of distress but also many people abusing the system, repeat returns (q3days), non compliance. If what you'll be doing is out patient, this could be a much better setting. also a specific population could be a completly differet exerperience.

An inner city perspective: I once thought working in psych sounded good, however, after working in ER with psych evals, all ages/conditions for initial medical clearance then rounding on them daiy until they discharge, I feel it to be unrewarding and would likely never go into pysch now. Granted I see people in throws of distress but also many people abusing the system, repeat returns (q3days), non compliance. If what you'll be doing is out patient, this could be a much better setting. also a specific population could be a completly differet exerperience.


thank you for your perspective - helpful

Sorry, just saw this....


I am not a PA in psych, but I am a PA in a family practice which is primarily psychiatric-based. I also round at the psych hospital doing h+p's and medical consults. Personally, I hate psych. It is just too sad for me to deal with, especially pediatrics. However, there are many PA's/NP's here who absolutely love their job and they are well at it. Also, the money is pretty good..


I would say try it out and see if u like it. You will know pretty soon. Just don't lose your knowledge in medicine. I find a lot of frustrations in some psychiatrists who just forget everything about medicine, and think EVERY symptom is caused by a psychiatric problem. A lot of times it is, but sometimes its not :) We see a lot of people "abusing the system" here too, of course, especially since I work outside a military base and a lot of immature youngins are saying everything they can to get out of the service. BUT I also see a lot of very, sick, disturbed kids/teens and I applaud anyone who is willing to take them under their care.


Good luck!

You can also check out the PA psych society and there should be a link to it on AAPAs website under PA organizations/constituent organizations. 


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