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When to apply?

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I will be finishing up my pre-reqs this coming spring and summer and graduating from my undergrad winter of 2014.  What do you guys think about applying next fall (14) vs. taking a whole year off and applying in 2015?  I am wondering if it is best to be completely done with undergrad and pre-reqs instead of "in progress" for applying? Would schools prefer being completely done with all classes and my bachelors before applying?  Originally, I didn't want to take a grace year, but I want to give myself the best chances for acceptance into a program.  


Any advice would be great! Thanks!

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What does your GPA and HCE hours look like? It's hard to give advice without knowing your stats. If those two things are strong I would say go for it. There are several programs that don't hold it against you if you have outsanding prereqs and bachelors. However, if your GPA or HCE are weak I would take a year to work on it and become a stronger applicant.

Good luck!

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Thanks for your advice. 

I've been working as a physical therapy aide for 2 years, and have been shadowing physician assistants in different specialities.  So far I've done about 60 hours in orthopedics and 30 hours in family practice.  My GPA right now is a 3.8. 


In general, do most schools hold it against an applicant? Or is it very program specific?

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Thanks for your advice. 

I've been working as a physical therapy aide for 2 years, and have been shadowing physician assistants in different specialities.  So far I've done about 60 hours in orthopedics and 30 hours in family practice.  My GPA right now is a 3.8. 


In general, do most schools hold it against an applicant? Or is it very program specific?

It is very program specific. I would do a bit of research to find the ones that allow outstanding courses which you would be interested in attending. For me personally, it would be more worth it to start a year earlier than to get the best possible school but that depends on your preference. Your stats look good. Some will not accept it at all but there are a lot who don't count it against you.

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There are probably many programs that would consider you at this point. Take a look at their websites.


If you can afford the costs associated with applying and interviewing, there is nothing to lose to apply sooner rather than later. You can always try again the next year if it doesn't work out.


That said, you should have enough healthcare experience to know for sure that you are on the right path and what is expected from a PA.


Good luck.

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My advice is apply now.  I applied my jr year with 4-5 outstanding prereqs and it was not an issue for me.  


Statistically speaking, your odds are better to apply now, because if you don't get in (which I think you have a good chance based on your post), you can try again next year.  Also don't take the year off if you don't want to.  Some programs do want a completed degree and pre-reqs, but many do not.

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Statistically speaking, your odds are better to apply now, because if you don't get in (which I think you have a good chance based on your post), you can try again next year.  Also don't take the year off if you don't want to.  Some programs do want a completed degree and pre-reqs, but many do not.



As long as money is not an issue, there might be another advantage to applying now - name recognition.


If you go through the process this year and are only unsuccessful due to outstanding coursework, when the time comes next cycle there is a good chance someone in admissions will say "Hey, I remember this applicant."

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