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new em case for students

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IOP on the right side, no bueno. I don't want to dilate due to the increased IOP (IIRC it's a contraindication) but what does the fundus look like (if you can see it)?


Lack of a sudden onset tends to rule out closed angle glaucoma.


I'm leaning towards an open angle glaucoma of some sort. Need to give her something to lower the IOP, what, I cannot remember at this time. 


Otherwise, the high IOP makes me want to consult ophtho, because I'm running into the limits of my current knowledge. 

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no papiledema, no obvious glaucomatous cupping but tough exam as pt light sensitive and intolerant of more than a few seconds eval.

nice job. ophtho consult done.

Timolol 0.5% 1 drop bid. next day ophtho f/u (12 hrs away as this is night shift) for presumptive new onset glaucoma.

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That's it?! Did I miss anything you did?


Not surprised, but still surprised that I'm actually learning something in this marathon we call the first year of PA school. Crazy how it actually works....

she actually had been previously seen a few weeks earlier and had a workup for "worst h/a of life" with ct, lp,  sed rate, etc which was all neg so I knew what it wasn't from the start.

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