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Applying to multiple schools

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Does the admissions committee have access to how many schools you're applying to? I feel like I've been asked this question at every interview and I'm not sure how straight of an answer I should be giving them. For Law schools this is a posted statistic: the acceptance to application ratio, as in they want to give out the least acceptances and receive the most yes's. But I'm afraid they have access to this information so I've been giving them the exact number of schools. What do you guys think?

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I don't believe that any school knows where else you've applied. I don't see any reason where you have to be detail-oriented if you get asked if you've applied other places. "Just a couple" might be a reasonable answer. Most people apply to more than one school; why stake your career on a single-point failure after all?


Good luck!

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I don't think they have access. CASPA says they don't have access to other applications, nor to the number of applications processed through CASPA by an applicant. I have yet to be asked this question as I've just applied for 2014 and am hoping for an interview. Should I be asked that question, I'm not sure how I would answer.

If the school was one of my top choices, I believe I would firmly state that I was applying to X school specifically because of X and that it is my absolute first choice. Maybe I might mention that I did apply to a backup school. I think it depends on how you answer the question. I would answer the question with a specific reason as to why the particular school IS the school for me rather than sounding like any school (although that is the case many times) would be fine.

Hope this helps.

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Last I heard (from speaking with a few adcoms) they knew the number of schools you applied to that cycle. This applies to CASPA programs only.


I'd be honest about it if asked. Your reasons are your reasons. If you applied to a lot of schools let them know you are serious about PA school / wanted to increase your chances / willing to relocate if needed. If you applied to a couple then say these are the only schools I'm interested in at this time. I don't know how either can be frowned upon.

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I can only speak for one PA school, but our thinking is pretty much this: we seek to accept applicants that we think will be able to thrive in the environment we provide. Where else you have applied to, the number of schools you have applied to, and where else you have been accepted do not even enter the equation. If we accept a student and they firmly believe that they can thrive better elsewhere they will have my best wishes for success at another institution.


If a school is asking about where else you have applied or been accepted to, they are most likely trying to find out who their peer groups are in the latest admissions cycle. If you do not wish to answer, it is of course always better to find a way to politely decline to answer than to lie. The PA education community is still pretty small...

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Copied from CASPA's FAQ:

Q: Can my programs see which other schools I have applied to on CASPA?

A: NO. Your programs do not have access to which other programs you have applied to via your CASPA application.


I applied this cycle and some of the supplemental applications DID ask me to list all the programs that I applied to.

I believe you have to be honest and straight forward about it........ Like Timon said "you are serious about PA school / wanted to increase your chances / willing to relocate if needed."

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