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[Revised] Shadow Request Letter

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Okay. So the first shadow request letter I put up for constructive criticism was a complete fail, lol. However, i've revised it and would like your response(s) and suggestion(s) to this new (hopefully improved) letter. I'd like to do my shadowing between May and July. Also, I work part time and will be taking two prereq classes (Medical Terminology & Abnormal Psychology) 2 days a week (8a - 12p) beginning in May. That being said, if you could help me with the line about schedule accommodation, I'd greatly appreciate it. I feel it sounds a bit like i'm 'too occupied' to shadow, which i'm not AT ALL, but i'd like to make it clear that I can't just accept any time, either. So, here we go.




My Street Address

My City, State 01234

(123) 456-7890


Ms. _________

Hospital Name

123 Some Street

City, State 45678



Dear [insert PA],


I am a recent graduate of the Biology program at Claflin University (2011), who is currently working as an Emergency Department Tech at [insert hospital]. I am in the process of beginning my application to the 2014 cycle of physician assistant programs and learned of the website PAShadowOnline.com, from which I discovered your information. I am writing you in hopes of requesting a possible job shadowing experience with you.


I understand that your time is valuable and I hope that you would be willing to work with me to formulate a schedule that works around my class and work schedule. I would be eternally grateful if you would consider me the opportunity to observe, first-hand, the role of a physician assistant. That experience would be invaluable in my development as a student, for my future career, and as a person.


I will be contacting your office next week to discuss this with you. Feel free to call me beforehand at (123) 456-7890 or e-mail me at thisemailihave@thisplace.com. Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity.




First M.I. Last

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Change this part from:


I am writing you in hopes of requesting a possible job shadowing experience with you.


I understand that your time is valuable and I hope that you would be willing to work with me to formulate a schedule that works around my class and work schedule.




I am writing you in hopes of requesting a chance to shadow you.


(and then next part)


I understand that your time is valuable and both our schedules are busy, and I hope that you would be willing to work with me to find the most convenient time that will work for you*.



* Leave off the part about how busy you are. They are going to give you the dates and you go from there. When you word it like this it sounds like it's gonna be a hassle, and it may, but why start off like that? I'm sure most PAs know most pre-PAs are full time employees and students.


Fix those two things and send it asap. Good luck!

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Sooo the PA has to work around YOUR schedule? Not a good look. In my request I stated that I am available any day and time..I wanted to make it as easy and pain free as possible for the PA because they have very busy schedules. In your case I would state in the letter exactly what days and times you are available.

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