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CAPA OSHPD on-line PA practice survey open. Please participate.

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  • 1 month later...

I was asked how can California can use the data in the survey mentioned above. I'm not speaking for CAPA or OSHPD, just making an obervation or six...

1) To lobby for an incease in the number of State and Federal scholarship and loan repayment awards going to PAs.

2) To identify areas of workforce saturation or need,

3) To identify how PAs impact the HC Workforce in specialty and primary care practice.

4) Give the State an idea where Song-Brown funding is making an impact.

5) Provide pro/con data for/against PA program growth.

6) We haven't taken a look at this issue in a long time.

If you have not gone online and completed the CAPA/OSHPD workforce survey above, please do.

Thank you,


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I was asked how can California can use the data in the survey mentioned above. I'm not speaking for CAPA or OSHPD, just making an obervation or six...

1) To lobby for an incease in the number of State and Federal scholarship and loan repayment awards going to PAs.

2) To identify areas of workforce saturation or need,

3) To identify how PAs impact the HC Workforce in specialty and primary care practice.

4) Give the State an idea where Song-Brown funding is making an impact.

5) Provide pro/con data for/against PA program growth.

6) We haven't taken a look at this issue in a long time.

If you have not gone online and completed the CAPA/OSHPD workforce survey above, please do.

Thank you,


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I was asked how can California can use the data in the survey mentioned above. I'm not speaking for CAPA or OSHPD, just making an obervation or six...

1) To lobby for an incease in the number of State and Federal scholarship and loan repayment awards going to PAs.

2) To identify areas of workforce saturation or need,

3) To identify how PAs impact the HC Workforce in specialty and primary care practice.

4) Give the State an idea where Song-Brown funding is making an impact.

5) Provide pro/con data for/against PA program growth.

6) We haven't taken a look at this issue in a long time.

If you have not gone online and completed the CAPA/OSHPD workforce survey above, please do.

Thank you,


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  • 8 months later...
  • 8 months later...

OSHPD final report on 2013 California PA workforce survey can be found here:  http://www.oshpd.ca.gov/HWDD/HWC/pdfs/CAPA-Physician-Assistants-Report.pdf  Thank you to OSHPD and CAPA staff (especially Ms. Dorian Rodriquez and Ms. Gaye Breyman) for making this endeavor happen and demonstrating the significant contributions PAs are making to the healthcare workforce in our state.

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